1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86 Find out what therapies we're delivering for patients 1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86


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Support Lingen Davies today, tomorrow and in the future

Technology has made it easier than ever to donate as a regular giver, major donor, or one-off donor. Whether you choose to make your donation online at the click of a button, arrange it over the phone, or have cash to bring into the fundraising office, we will be most grateful!

Call us on 01743 492396 to donate over the phone, or use the following details for a BACS transfer:

Lingen Davies Cancer Fund CIO


Account number: 10514429 / Sort code: 09-02-22


Make a Difference

We rely on receiving regular donations to plan our activity. Knowing how much we can expect to receive in regular monthly donations allows us to better understand how quickly we will be able to fund projects and support for our local cancer services – and it’s never been easier to donate to us and show your support.


Friends of Lingen Davies

In return for your generosity, you will become a member of our Friends of Lingen Davies Scheme. Friends of Lingen Davies make a real difference to patients and the wider community by allowing us to better plan out our work, income streams, and commit to funding for ongoing projects, new equipment, and continue our positive impact on local cancer services.

Our Friends receive the following benefits: newsletters, early notice and invitation to our events, invitations to tour our clinic, sunshine pin badge and invitations to our annual AGM and Awards Evening. Sign up to make a monthly donation today…

Why Not Get Involved and Volunteer?

We couldn’t do the work we do without our amazing volunteers and because of this we’re always looking for new enthusiastic supporters to join us.

Lingen Davies Team