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Apply for funding

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Grants programme in partnership with Lingen Davies

To support the work of the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, we have an established Grants programme. We actively encourage applications from organisations supporting cancer patients across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, and Mid Wales.


Grant applications

Applications will be considered from any healthcare provider or organisation providing services or support to people with cancer, or to organisations working to prevent cancer in our community.

Grant applications received are reviewed by our Grants Sub-Committee and, depending on the nature and value of the application, may then require approval from the Trustee Board. These can range from smaller amounts, under a £1000, to larger grants over £10,000.

Lingen Davies' objectives


All applications should support the objectives of the charity, which are:

1. Supporting cancer patients residing in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, and Mid Wales by providing:

i) Grants to support the work of cancer healthcare professionals based within and serving cancer patients

ii) Services direct to such cancer patients (if the Trustees deem it appropriate)

2. The prevention of cancer by raising awareness across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, and Mid Wales


Examples of previous grants that we’ve funded included large equipment for cancer diagnosis and treatment, cooling caps for patients, complementary therapies for palliative and end of life patients, radar keys for accessing disabled toilets, cancer rehabilitation work in the community and more!

How our funding has had an impact

Examples of previous grants that we’ve funded included large equipment for cancer diagnosis and treatment, cooling caps for patients, complementary therapies for palliative and end-of-life patients, radar keys for accessing disabled toilets, cancer rehabilitation work in the community and more!

We are focused on funding new ideas and projects, so it is unlikely that we would fund the work you have already started.

Download guidance and form

Full details are available in the grant application forms and guidance notes which you can download here. For applications up to and including £10,000 please use the small grants forms. For grants over £10,000, please use the main grants application form.

Please note that if your application is in relation to a wellbeing programme or service e.g. yoga, arts and crafts, mindfulness, sporting activities, beauty therapies etc. then please call the office directly as a separate process is in place for these – 01743 492396

Application Forms:

Download Guidance:


If you are looking for top-up funding for an existing project, please speak to us prior to submitting an application.

Contact us about your grant application

We very much look forward to hearing from you – if you’d like to discuss a potential application in more detail, then please get in touch on 01743 492396