1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86 Why not join in one of our brilliant fundraising events? Find out what's coming up next here! 1D946CB1-0B49-4342-BA1F-0805597D1E86

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year (nearly)…

We know it’s still not quite here, but we’re getting into the festive spirit! The festive season is a great time to get together, have some fun and do something brilliant for an amazing local cause. Here’s a few ways that we would love for you to get involved this year…

Christmas Posters

Many people choose to give to charity instead of sending Christmas cards. We know work teams, groups and clubs will want to exchange Christmas greetings, so we have got some lovely festive posters for you to display in your office or meeting place. Rather than sending cards, you can all write your Christmas messages on the poster and put a donation in the collection box! If you would like a poster and/or collection box please let us know and we can send one out to you.

Tree of Celebration

Do you have something to celebrate? Perhaps you’ve just finished your treatment, or even been given the all-clear? Or perhaps you want to celebrate the life of a friend or family member. We will be filling our Tree of Celebration this Christmas with bright yellow sunflowers, to celebrate with you!

The tree will be in the reception area of the Lingen Davies Cancer Centre, and we’re giving you the chance to adopt a sunflower, while supporting us to make a positive difference to lives affected by cancer in our community.

How it works

Tell us who you are celebrating by – this can be anyone, including yourself! We’ll add the name to one of the sunflowers hanging on the tree and these will stay on display until Christmas. You can tell us who you’re celebrating here or, celebrate someone and purchase a decoration for your home here (gold sunflower, yellow sunflower)

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 7th December, why not join us for the Lingen Davies Christmas Jumper Day? Whether you go for all-out festive bling or just a subtle snowflake, don your Christmas classics in exchange for a £2 donation to the charity. Throw in a few mince pies and a bottle of sherry and you’ve got yourself a fun festive fundraiser- download a poster here and get cracking! Don’t forget to take a picture and tag us on facebook, twitter or instagram!


Charities Week

#UKCharitiesweek is running from 3rd – 9th December this year and to mark this, we’ll be doing a fundraiser everyday! 

Monday 3rd – Christmas Pub Quiz at The Nags Head, Pontesbury. A good old festive pub quiz to start the week off! Teams of 4, £5 per person. Mince pies to be served, cash prizes and ‘quiz mastered’ by Ryan Kennedy from Radio Shropshire. Book you team here.

Tuesday 4th – ‘Choose’day. Today we are encouraging people to choose to give to Lingen Davies. Talk about us on social media with the hashtag #chooselingendavies

Wednesday 5th – Christmas Bake Sale. We’ll be holding ours in the Lingen Davies Cancer Centre but we’d love it if you hosted your own! Perhaps you could invite some friends round or make it a mince pie bake off in the office…

Thursday 6th – Pilates by Candlelight. This is not being hosted by the Lingen Davies fundraising team but all proceeds will be donated to us. Find an hour of time for you to move and find more balance in your mind and body this Christmas – Clayton Hall (SCAT), 7pm-8pm, pay as you wish. More info here.

Friday 7th – Christmas Jumper Day!! See above for details.

Saturday 8th – Alan Ward Charity Christmas Fair at Alan Ward Furniture Store, Shrewsbury. 10am – 4pm. We’ll have our Christmas cards, Christmas Decorations, Christmas draw tickets and much more on sale! Pop down and see us!

Sunday 9th – Shrewsbury Consort of Recorders performing in the ward block at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Alan Ward Charity Christmas Fair.


Lingen Davies Ruby Run

Why not get your team fit in the New Year and train for the Lingen Davies Ruby Run on March 30th, 2019? It’s a fun, accessible 5km colour run, being held at the West Mid Showground. It’s a great excuse to blow away the Christmas cobwebs and train together for a great day out! Find out more about our Ruby Run here



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News 6th September 2024

LD funding boost to cancer biopsy process

Cancer biopsies at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital will now be quicker, easier for staff, and enable patient treatment to start sooner – thanks to a new piece of equipment that doubles the capacity of part of the process. A new £42,000 Grossing Station has been installed in the pathology centre, funded by Lingen Davies Cancer […]