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Coverage Care lend some festive cheer to our appeal!

Over the Christmas period, lots of generous people and businesses supported Lingen Davies through their Christmas events, Christmas Jumper Days, and instead of sending Christmas cards.

Coverage Care, which runs 14 care homes in the county on a not-for-profit basis, donated £500 to the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund in lieu of sending Christmas cards.

Chief Executive David Coull recently visited us here at LD HQ to present their donation.

He said: “We are very familiar with the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and the excellent work it does to support cancer patients and their families across Shropshire and Mid Wales. As a major employer in the county we know colleagues and their families who have benefitted from its services and, of course, we have residents who have been service users.

“By not sending Christmas cards we are saving money which can be better invested in an organisation like Lingen Davies and can have a real impact on the lives of people living in the communities where we operate.

“We are very pleased to have been able to support the work of this excellent organisation and make a donation towards its on-going work and appeals.”

Lingen Davies Executive Officer Naomi Atkin added: “The need for the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund is as important as ever and donations from organisations like Coverage Care really are invaluable.

“Since the charity’s beginnings in 1979 around 75,000 people have been helped by Lingen Davies funded projects.  We are now raising £1.25million in time for our 40th Anniversary in 2019 to fund projects supporting cancer prevention and early diagnosis, effective treatment and life beyond cancer.

“Every donation matters and can make a difference to those people who need our help.”

To find out more about our latest appeal please click here



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News 6th September 2024

LD funding boost to cancer biopsy process

Cancer biopsies at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital will now be quicker, easier for staff, and enable patient treatment to start sooner – thanks to a new piece of equipment that doubles the capacity of part of the process. A new £42,000 Grossing Station has been installed in the pathology centre, funded by Lingen Davies Cancer […]