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Signs and Symptoms

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Cancer Awareness

Here you can find more information on different types of skin cancer, including spotting the symptoms and risk prevention.

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Skin Cancer

About 50% of melanomas arise from an existing mole, but the rest appear as a new mole or skin change. Find out more about skin cancer.


Lung Cancer

While anyone can get lung cancer, it has a very strong link with smoking. Cancer Research UK estimates that smoking is directly linked to 86% of lung cancers. Find out more about lung cancer.


Prostate Cancer

1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, with most cases of prostate cancer occurring in men over the age of 50. Find out more about prostate cancer.


Bowel Cancer

We don’t know what causes many incidents of bowel cancer. However, there are some ways in which you may be able to lower your risk of developing it. Find out more about bowel cancer.


Breast Cancer

There are a lot of different factors that determine the risk of someone developing breast cancer, from genetic factors to lifestyle. Find out more about breast cancer.


Ovarian Cancer

What causes ovarian cancer is unknown. Most cases occur in women who have gone through the menopause, but it can affect younger women also. Find out more about ovarian cancer.

Make a one-off donation

As well as running fundraising appeals for one-off technology or equipment at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, we are always fundraising for ongoing projects for the wider community. Our LiveLife Cancer Awareness Service is a huge part of our work, and we welcome any contribution you can make to enable us to help prevent cancer.