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Bringing Fun in Fundraising to Newtown

A ‘hugely successful’ and ‘fabulously messy’ 5K Colour Run has raised more than £14,500 – thanks to the hard work of our Newtown fundraisers!

Our inaugural Newtown Colour Run was held earlier this month to mark the charity’s presence in the town after the opening of our new charity hub in Plas Dolerw in the Spring.

On Sunday, 1st October, more than 350 runners, joggers, and walkers braved the rain to complete a five km route around Parc Dolerw. Five powder colour stations sponsored by local businesses lent a rainbow effect to proceedings as the runners took on the fun course.

Entrants were treated to a warm up Zumba session, music and entertainment, as well as face glitter, a barbecue, medal and photo finish. Lingen Davies has so far raised more than £70,000 from colour runs based in Shrewsbury but this was the first time those in Mid Wales were treated to such an event on their doorstep.

Lizzy Ellis, Fundraising Events Lead, said the day was full of fun and the almost constant rain did nothing to dampen everyone’s spirits.

“We are so grateful to the community of Newtown and Mid Wales for embracing this event, turning up in their hundreds and getting stuck in to this fabulously messy 5k! It really is one of my favourite events in our busy fundraising schedule.

“Seeing young and old walking or running together and getting showered in paint along the way is brilliant site. We’re delighted with the turnout and very much intend to run something similar again in the area next year.

“Thanks to our corporate sponsors HSBC, Bettws Hall, Control Techniques, EvaBuild, Station Couriers, Thomas Consulting, and MetroRod – without them we wouldn’t be able to hold events on this scale, and to have raised £14,500 for cancer patients throughout our region is just phenomenal, thanks to everyone for supporting us,” she added.

To see some of the photographs taken on the day click here

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